Thursday, January 29, 2015

Clatskanie's FM Radio Allotment May Be Moved, If Large Company Has Its Way

Clatskanie resident Carol Brandt noticed recently in the Clatskanie Chief Newspaper a small announcement stating that Clatskanie could possibly lose its allotment for a potential commercial radio frequency to Napavine.
Unfortunately, most Clatskanie residents were unaware of its existence. If all goes forward as Threshold Communications has proposed to the Federal Communications Commission Clatskanie will lose it’s assigned allotment to Threshold Communications, which is trying to serve Napavine, WA. instead. It would be at 92.9 MHz.
Ms. Brandt states on the Clatskanie Bulletin Board forum, “Once the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approves the change, it is over for us. We likely will never have the opportunity for an FM station in Clatskanie again. The FM band is too packed, and bandwidth is a valuable commodity. If anyone knows business, government or civic leaders, please spread the word!" She adds, “We can stop this by petitioning the FCC if we move now. By FCC regulations, the complete file is at our library. You need lots of people of VISION-- of what the station could someday be, and how it could benefit all of Clatskanie and it’s surrounding environs. The problem is, a broadcast company has filed to take OUR allotment and move it to Napavine, unless we protest it. That's why the FCC requires a complete file to be kept in a public-accessible place like our library.”
Ms. Brandt has spoken with Clatskanie mayor, Diane Pohl and alerted her to the impending reassignment. She cautions Clatskanie folks about the looming deadline, “The FCC has always been strict, very strict. If the cut-off for our protest is Friday, 5 pm EST, then we'd better have something there by 4:59 pm!”

Ms. Brandt spoke again with an FCC attorney, and found out it is the 11th hour for making comments, but they will be considered if sent right away. The good news is that we can send an email of objections to alert them, but then the letter must be mailed. Below is a sample letter that can be personalized. Please add what you know and love about Clatskanie. Tell your friends all to personalize it, and if they know organization leaders, try to get then on board. They must know to send an email AND a letter.

Here is the adress and a sample letter.

Marlene Dortch, 
Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554
"Dear Ms. Dortch,

I am writing in reference to your Dec.18 decision, DA 14-1859. Threshold Communications wishes to move FM Channel 225C3 from Clatskanie to Napavine, WA. I hope that does not happen, and I will tell you why.

An important factor is allotment priorities, such as which city will have a larger population that is served. While Napavine has a slightly larger population, surrounding Clatskanie there is a large unincorporated population. We are definitely a very rural community.

Clatskanie is sort of an "island". It is nearly 16 miles to Longview, WA., the closest city. Napavine is half that distance from Chehalis. The Longview radio stations rarely refer to Clatskanie's news and events. They never come here to interview people. We are not whom they serve.

Although engineering shows our staion would cover 50 percent of Longview, that does not show the reality of living in this region. Nor do the numbers on the map show what a real need Clatskanie has for this FM channel, a future station.

Thank you for considering these points. If you have any questions, please contact me. I would be happy to help you.


Here is the email address:
(Notice the dot between andrew and rhodes.)
For more on this conversation and more detailed responses from other Clatskanie Bulletin Board members go to

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